Final Destination to thoughts

Thursday, November 03, 2011

People and their funny beliefs

From CNN 10/25/11

When his pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor was first discovered in October 2003, doctors said he was lucky that it had been detected so early, and it could be removed before definitely spreading. But, in Jobs' own words, "I really didn't want them to open up my body, so I tried to see if a few other things would work." Those "other things" included a strict vegan diet, acupuncture, herbal remedies, and other alternative techniques – even consulting a psychic.

My thoughts 10/25/11

Reading this, I have to wonder that common sense is not common afterall. Steve Jobs, a supposedly intelligent guy, who could have maybe lived a few more years since he was getting the state of art medical treatment but believed herbal remedies and psychic could cure him- Wow! There are many such people around us with a lot of superstitous and utterly nonsensical beliefs. One of my friends recently told me that more than an illiterate believing in god-men or miracles or following a cult, its the educated who get even more passionate about it and difficult to convince otherwise. The above paragraph proves that even more. And we still live in a society where its taboo to voice your opinion lest follow your heart and be judged more. I am and will remain a rationalist.
